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Updates to VA FSS Sales Reporting

In order to align VA sales reporting practices with GSA, there will be two changes to the reporting process:

IMPORTANT: The shortened deadline outlined in clause 552.238-80 Industrial Funding Fee and Sales Reporting aligns with VA FSS and GSA’s Multiple Award Schedules systems modernization efforts and is reflected in the revised clause. Click here to read the full text of the revised clause:

552.238-80 Industrial Funding Fee & Sales Reporting (Jul 2020, Tailored Jan 2024)

NOTE:  If sales data reported during the new 30-day grace period requires revisions, whether due to delayed reconciliation of data or for other reasons, a sales adjustment for the applicable quarter must be entered in the system as soon as final data is available.


If you have any questions on the new sales reporting process please consult the VA FAQs for VA FSS Transition to GSA’s SRP or contact BH Sky for assistance.

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