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The FAS Catalog Platform (FCP) is a web-based application for vendors to provide details about products and services on their GSA MAS Contract.  The FAS Catalog Platform (FCP) replaces and modernizes the Schedule Input Program (SIP) for vendors and CO Reporting System (CORS) for GSA workforce.  The FAS Catalog Platform (FCP) integrates with the GSA eMod system.

Has your GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contract transitioned to the FAS Catalog Platform (FCP)?

Do you need help with the Seller Profile or the required Baseline Modification? 

If your contract is Transitioning to FAS Catalog Platform and you elect to participate ensure Authorized Negotiators are up-to-date, Shipping & Ordering Information is accurate, GSA Advantage catalog is a complete representation of what is currently awarded to your contract and no open modifications before proceeding with the Seller Profile and initiating the Baseline Modifications.