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GSA releases MAS Solicitation Refresh # 19, Mass Modification A869

The General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) issued Refresh # 19 and the associated Mass Modification A869 for the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation 47QSMD20R0001.

Outlined below are the changes associated with Refresh # 19:

A: Changes to Overall MAS Solicitation:

MAS Refresh 19 was issued on Dec. 6, 2023 in order to correct the Contracting Officer fill-in language for FAR Clause 52.204-30 Alt I. No other changes have been made to the MAS Solicitation. A Mass Modification has been issued to all MAS contracts for Refresh 19 and this modification includes changes associated with MAS Refresh 18 & 19.

Note: A limited number of Refresh 18 Mass Modifications were issued, so if you did not already receive the Refresh 18 Mass Modification, you will not receive one. All MAS contractors must accept the Refresh 19 Mass Modification as it implements the Refresh 18 and 19 changes for your contract.

For more detailed information please refer to the Administrative Notice for MAS Refresh 19 and Mass Modification on GSA Interact.


For existing GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contractors, GSA will issue a bilateral modification to apply the changes for Refresh # 19. If you have not accepted Refresh 18 it is not necessary as Refresh 19 incorporates both mass mods. Contractors will have 90 days to accept the upcoming mass mod. Failure to accept this modification prior to the due date may result in loss of access to GSA eTools and/or cancellation of the subject contract.

If you have any questions on the significant changes or accepting the Mass Mod A869 for Refresh # 19, please contact BH Sky for assistance.

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