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GSA releases MAS Solicitation Refresh # 18, Mass Modification A868

The General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) issued Refresh # 18 and the associated Mass Modification A868 for the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation 47QSMD20R0001.
Outlined below are the changes associated with Refresh # 18:

A: Changes to Overall MAS Solicitation:

  • Implement various revisions to SCP-FSS-001 Instructions Applicable to All Offerors
  • Revise I-FSS-639 Contract Sales Criteria
  • Implementation of Federal Acquisition Supply Chain Security Act (FASCSA) Orders
  • Clarify MAS Sustainability Language under Section III A
  • Update the Mandatory Attachment for MAS Joint Ventures (JV)
  • Incorporate clause and provision updates, as necessary, through Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2023-06 and GSAR Change 171.
  • Implement various changes to the Offer and Modification Price Proposal Templates (PPTs)

B: Changes to Specific Large Category, Subcategory or SIN:

Office Management (A)

  • Document Services (A3): Various revisions to SIN 518210DC – Document Conversion Services.
  • Records Management (A11): Various revisions to SIN 518210ERM – Electronic Records Management Solutions

Miscellaneous (G):

  • Apparel (G5): Revise SIN SIN 339113PA Protective Apparel to add a new subgroup
  • Complementary SINs (G6): Revise SIN OLM Order-Level Materials to add Transportation of Things (K5) to the list of OLM eligible subcategories

For more detailed information on specific changes please refer to the Significant Changes For the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation.


For existing GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contractors, GSA will issue a bilateral modification to apply the changes once Refresh # 18 has been released.  Contractors will have 90 days to accept the upcoming mass mod. Failure to accept this modification prior to the due date may result in loss of access to GSA eTools and/or cancellation of the subject contract.

If you have any questions on the significant changes or accepting the Mass Mod A868 for Refresh # 18, please contact BH Sky for assistance.

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