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GSA releases MAS Solicitation Refresh # 17, Mass Modification A863

The General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) issued Refresh # 17 and the associates Mass Modification A863 for the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation 47QSMD20R0001.

Outlined below are the changes associated with Refresh # 17:

A: Changes to Overall MAS Solicitation:

  • Implement various changes to SCP-FSS-001
  • Clarify how Joint Venture requirements apply to current Joint Venture entities
  • Implement GSA/SBA 8(a) Partnership Agreement on MAS
  • Incorporate clause and provision updates, as necessary, through Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2023-04 and GSAR Change 166
  • Clarify sustainability requirements and reference the GSA Green Procurement Compilation
  • Removal of Highly Competitive Language
  • Implement various changes to the Offer and Modification Price Proposal Templates (PPTs)

B: Changes to Specific Large Category, Subcategory or SIN:

  1. Office Management (A)
  2. Office Supplies (A09): Revisions to OS4 SINs 339940OS4 – Office Products and Supplies & 339940OVER – Overseas Office Products and Supplies category specific attachment.
  • Facilities (B):
  • Facilities Maintenance and Repair (B01): Revisions to SIN 561210FAC – Facilities Maintenance and Management
  • Industrial Products (E):
  • Hardware and Tools (E04): Revision to SIN 332510C – Hardware Store, Home Improvement Center, Industrial or General Supply Store, or Industrial Maintenance Repair and Operations (MRO) Distributor – Catalog.
  • Professional Services (H):
  • Business Administration Services (H01): Add a new subgroup, Program Evaluation Services, under SIN 541611 Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Services
  • Security and Protection (J):
  • Adding note to Large Category Instructions and Regulations related to the prohibition of  firearms and live ammunition
  • Transportation and Logistics Services (K):
  • Package Delivery (K03): Revision to required Template for SINs 492110 & 492110SB Local Courier/Messenger Delivery Services.
  • Transportation of Things (K05): Revision to required Templates for SIN 485 – Ground Transportation and SIN 532111 – Automotive Equipment Rental and Leasing – Rental Supplemental Vehicle Program (RSVP).
  • Travel (L):
  • Employee Relocation (L01): Revision to required Template for SIN 531 Employee Relocation
  • Lodging (L02): Revision to required Template for SIN 531110 Long Term Lodging

For more detailed information on specific changes please refer to the Daft Significant Changes Attachment for MAS Refresh 17 – July 2023.


For existing GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contractors, GSA will issue a bilateral modification to apply the changes once Refresh # 17 has been released.  Contractors will have 90 days to accept the upcoming mass mod. 

If you have any questions on the significant changes or accepting the Mass Mod A863 for Refresh # 17, please contact BH Sky for assistance.

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