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GSA Schedules Consolidation – Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)

What GSA Schedules are included in the GSA Schedules consolidation?

All 24 schedules managed by GSA are included.  The VA schedules will not be consolidated at this time.

How will the consolidation of Schedules impact my current contract? 

The applicable terms and conditions of the GSA Schedule will be streamlined.  In order for your contract to automatically transition, current Schedule contractors must accept the updated terms and conditions outlined in the mass modification when issued (estimated timeline early FY2020).  When the Schedule is consolidated, current Schedule holders will maintain their current contract number. Option period will not be affected. If you have multiple contracts, GSA will work with you to determine the best solution depending on the status of the contracts. Current Schedule holders can expect to continue to process modifications, accept orders and maintain compliance with the current terms and conditions of their contracts.

How will the new Schedule be organized?

The new Schedule will be organized by categories mapped to the current Government-Wide Category Structure.  Categories will be assigned a North American Classification System (NAICS) code describing the principal nature of the products or services being offered.

What is the purpose of the schedules consolidation?

GSA’s plan is to modernize and simplify the buying and selling experience for customers, suppliers, and acquisition professionals. This initiative seeks to modernize federal acquisition by consolidating 24 Multiple Award Schedules into one single Schedule for products, services and solutions.  This will provide consistency in the program, make it easier for customers to find total solutions under one contract vehicle, ensure terms and conditions meet the needs of customers and eliminate duplicate contracts.

How does consolidation affect Cooperative Purchasing?

Cooperative Purchasing products, services and contractors will be identified at the category level.  The Schedules consolidation will not expand this authority.

How does consolidation affect Transactional Data Reporting (TDR):

The Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) requirement will continue for contractors already participating in the TDR pilot.  The TDR pilot will not be expanded to categories that are not currently in the pilot program.

How does the consolidation affect Order Level Materials (OLMs)?

GSA will continue the effort to add OLM’s to current Schedules and expand to every contractor on Schedule under the consolidation.

How will the consolidation of Schedules affect contractors in the process of applying for a new GSA Schedule Contract?

Existing solicitations are open to new offers until new Schedule is released October 1, 2019.  If you are currently in the process of pursuing a Schedule, you may need to accept the updated terms and conditions for the new solicitation. Offers submitted after October 1st must be submitted under the new Consolidated Schedule.

Will the consolidation of the Schedules speed up the eOffer process?

The schedules consolidation will not impact how long it takes a contractor to get on Schedule, however the components of the new Schedules will include streamlined terms and conditions and a re-formatted solicitation.  GSA hopes to see a reduction in time of reviewing new Offers as the business processes are streamlined and standardized.

Find Out How BH Sky Can Help Your Business Transition to the New GSA Schedules Consolidation Initiative

For more information, check out the BH Sky blog article: Are you Ready for the GSA Schedules Consolidation.  Still have questions? You can contact a BH Sky GSA Schedule Specialist via email or phone 866.468.7420.