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GSA Seeks Industry Feedback for Proposed Changes to IT Schedule 70

The General Services Administration (GSA) is seeking industry feedback with a Request For Information (RFI) regarding proposed changes to IT Schedule 70 – Cloud Computing Services.  The proposed changes would revise the current requirement that companies seeking to do business under this schedule have at least 2 years of corporate experience.

Because the landscape of Information Technology (IT) is changing so quickly, many of the newer Cloud and cybersecurity technologies require expertise that might only be found in younger companies.  The proposed changes to the applicant requirements are intended to pair proven, but newer and more competitive business services and technologies with government agencies so that the government can more efficiently act on and provide seamless enablement for these newer technologies.

It is expected that this change will broaden the available pool of candidates who can offer emerging and cutting edge Cloud Computing Services to the government.  Removing the existing 2 year requirement will also allow government agencies to streamline many existing processes and cut the costs of updating legacy systems.  Industry partners are being asked to provide their feedback. If the proposed changes are accepted, other schedules will also likely be updated to reflect the changes.

About IT Schedule 70

IT Schedule 70 is a GSA Multiple Awards Schedules (MAS) contract vehicle which provides access to more than 5,000 innovative industry partners and IT providers.  IT Schedule 70 also hosts a broad suite of IT and Cloud solutions that service and comply with the federal government’s recent “Cloud First” mandate.  This mandate asks the government to consider adopting Cloud technologies and solutions first.  Cloud offerings include Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).  Not only do these trending technologies address many current inefficiencies in how the government provides services, but they allow current infrastructure and services to be scaled and outdated systems to be replaced with less cost, and using less resources.


It makes good sense to remove the current requirement for vendors, because it allows many smaller businesses and emerging companies to compete with established vendors in catering to these needs.  According to GSA Administrator, Denise Turner Roth’s September 3 blog post, “By making it easier for suppliers to work with us, we will offer government, as a whole, better access to innovative companies, enhanced technology solutions and a wider range of contracting options.

To learn more about the GSA’s IT Schedule 70, click here and to read more about the Cloud mandate click here.

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