BH Sky Hosts 8th Annual Reception at the NJLM Conference
BH Sky Associates held its 8th Annual Cocktail Reception during the New Jersey State League of Municipalities (NJLM) Conference in Atlantic City, NJ on November 16th, 2016. BH Sky would like to thank our co-hosts Henry Savelli & Associates and Foy Public Affairs Group, and all of our sponsors (SmartProcure, Stevens & Lee, Smith & Solomon, ParkMobile, Comcast Business, SportProsUSA, Genova Burns, CBIZ, Saponaro Law Group, and MBI-Gluckshaw) for another exceptional event. With the addition of four new sponsors, this year’s event was our largest and most successful ever bringing together over 200 business men and women with key municipal decision makers. The reception provides a focused one-on one networking opportunity bringing together our existing clients and potential new clients with NJ municipality buyers. Each year we strive to make the event even better than the last. Sign up to be notified about our next annual NJLM Cocktail Event planned for 2017!

About the NJLM Conference
The NJ State League of Municipalities was created to help communities do a better job of self-government through pooling of information resources. This year the NJLM Annual Conference was proud to celebrate its 101st year. Named as one of the Top 250 US Trade Shows in 2015 by Trade Show News Network (TSNN), the NJLM Conference hosts over 700 exhibitors and 16,000 attendees, making it the biggest conference of its kind in the State. Participants in the Conference have the opportunity to attend more than 100 panels and workshops conducted by the League and the many associations of technical and professional employees allied with it. Commercial, government and association exhibits display the latest products and services for municipal government. NJLM’s Annual Conference brings together NJ municipality buyers with vendors of products and services purchased by the municipalities. Share your conference experience with us!
Find Out How BH Sky Can Help Grow Your Government Business
For more information on how BH Sky Associates can help your business do business with all levels of government, both local, state, and federal, contact BH Sky directly by calling 866-468-7420 or email.