GSA Introduces New Schedule 70 Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services SINs
On August 17th, 2016, the General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) published a draft solicitation refresh on GSA Interact for IT Schedule 70. This draft was created in support of President Obama’s Cybersecurity National Action Plan (CNAP) and aimed to add four additional Special Item Numbers (SINs). GSA Administrator Denise Turner Roth explained that “these new SINs will provide government agencies with quicker and more reliable access to key, pre-vetted support services that will expand agencies’ capacity to test their high-priority IT systems, rapidly address potential vulnerabilities, and stop adversaries before they impact our networks.” To view more of her statement click here. On September 12th, 2016, the Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Service (HACS) SINs were established, and on October 1st were available for federal agencies to purchase under. The new HACS SINs are as follows:
- SIN 132-45A: Penetration Testing
- SIN 132-45B: Incident Response
- SIN 132-45C: Cyber Hunt
- SIN 132-45D: Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (RVA)
To view a description of each SIN click here.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and GSA are working together to ensure that the highest standards of vendor competency and all cybersecurity needs are being met as this transition takes place.
New Vendor Evaluation Process
In order to apply under these SINs vendors must go through a vigorous evaluation process. DHS and GSA have co-created Factor 5- Oral Technical Evaluation Criteria. With the new Factor 5, GSA will now conduct in-depth oral interviews with vendors on the SIN level to ensure that the DHS’ quality of standards are being met. For each SIN there is a set list of expected tasks a vendor must be able to complete and a set “minimum” list of knowledge areas that a vendor must be versed in in order to be deemed qualified. At its conclusion, the interview is rated on an “acceptable/unacceptable” or “pass/fail” scale. It is GSA’s hope that this process, while more-lengthy in the initial stages of pre-award, will save both time and money for federal agencies at the time of ordering. Overall, the creation of the HACS SINs gives federal agencies ease of access to highly qualified cybersecurity vendors, rapid ordering and deployment of services, and new support resources from GSA. To view GSA’s FAQ Sheet on HACS SINs click here.
Find Out How BH Sky Can Help You Apply for a Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services SIN
For more information on how to apply for an IT Schedule 70 HACS SIN, contact BH Sky directly by calling 866-468-7420 or email.